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Georgia Oral Health Newsletter
Smiles Change Lives promotes and provides access to life-changing, essential orthodontic treatment for children from low-income families.

Please begin referring low-income children to this program as there are immediate openings nationwide. Smiles Change Lives serves:

  • Kids ages 10-18

  • Youth with crooked teeth and/or misaligned jaws

  • Families whose income is at or below 200% of Federal Poverty Level

Visit the Smiles Change Lives website to learn more about this program.

The Oral Cancer Foundation

Regular dental checkups, when they incorporate oral cancer exams, as well as an increased public awareness of oral cancer's risk factors, can reduce the death rate of this disease.

October is Dental Hygiene Month and the Oral Cancer Foundation would like to invite you to join in a national screening campaign to MAKE ORAL CANCER HISTORY!


Get Involved:
The Oral Cancer Foundation would like to invite you to offer free screenings in your community in order to raise awareness and educate the public about the importance of receiving an annual oral cancer examination.

Step 1: Pick one day, morning or afternoon to hold your free screening event in April. We ask that you choose a minimum of 3 hours.

Step 2: Register your screening event on Please include a brief description of your screening event (who you are, and why you are participating).

Step 3: Once you are registered, you will receive materials for your screening including; oral cancer brochures, buttons, and wristbands for your staff to wear, a press release that you can customize for your specific event, an oral cancer fact sheet, and an oral cancer referral form.

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